Service Providers

Combating Robocalls: a quick primer on how STIR/SHAKEN works

May 28, 2019 | By: Michael Gerenser

It finally looks like the U.S. is ready to do something to combat robocalls. The Senate has passed the TRACED Act. A key mandate from this bill is the requirement that carriers work together to implement call authentication technology, and it looks like STIR/SHAKEN could be the solution.
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Service Providers

VoIP: The transition to Voice over Internet Protocol

Despite the widespread adoption of VoIP and its growing potential for new revenue streams, the transition from a traditional network can still be daunting for some service providers.
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Service Providers

Congress Hoping to Put an End to Illegal Robocalls

May 6, 2019

If there is one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that we need to put an end to illegal robocalls. Americans received 47.8 billion robocalls last year alone, 50% of which were from scammers. This onslaught of robocalls is something we deal with on an everyday basis, and Congress wants to put a stop to it.
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Service Providers

Pa$$w0rd C0mpl3xity!

April 30, 2019 | By: Michael Gates

Passwords can certainly be complex, and not in a good way. Fortunately, the idea of complex passwords is changing, and that’s a good thing. Read to learn more about the future of password complexity.
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Service Providers

What can be done to stop robocalls?

March 21, 2019

Robocalls are plaguing the American public with 2018 seeing an increase of 57% according to sources. Luckily, REDCOM has the solution.
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Service Providers

‘Everyone Can Be an Innovator’: REDCOM Interviewed by NTCA

February 6, 2019

REDCOM's Mike Gerenser, Marketing Manager, was interviewed by NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association about the company's recent acquisition of IMSWorkX Inc., and how REDCOM can serve rural broadband providers.
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Press Releases

REDCOM acquires the assets of IMSWorkX Inc., greatly expanding REDCOM’s solution set for service providers

December 19, 2018

The IMSWorkX product set is a perfect complement to REDCOM’s portfolio of softswitches and call control platforms, enabling REDCOM to offer customers a complete solution for the evolution to Next Generation Networks. This technology will also enable REDCOM to immediately deliver a robust set of network services including intelligent call routing, call screening, call rating, and mass notification.
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Protect Your Network Against Fraud

March 31, 2016

REDCOM recently learned about a massive fraud scheme which was undoubtedly costing an ICT company a small fortune. Learn how to prevent this on your network!
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