
Using the GD Sectéra® vIPer™ Secure Phone for Type-1 NSA ACC-Compliant Gateways

May 15, 2023

Thanks to a collaborative effort between REDCOM and General Dynamics, organizations can now implement a new ACC-compliant integrated solution for Type 1 secure voice gateways while connecting new and legacy SCIP secure voice devices.
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Press Releases

REDCOM announces new Sigma XRI module for PacStar® Tactical Communications Systems from Curtiss-Wright

May 9, 2023

REDCOM Laboratories, Inc., has announced a new Sigma XRI module for PacStar systems. The new PacStar 421 module includes REDCOM Sigma XRI technology with radio gateway services for modern and legacy radios, enabling tactical users to seamlessly bridge the gap between disparate VoIP and RoIP radio systems.
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REDCOM Secure Voice Gateway use cases

May 8, 2023

Over the past 18 months, REDCOM has seen an uptick in requests from Federal Agencies and DoD organizations that need to replace non-compliant legacy encryptors with new CryptoMod Standards. Customers have articulated the same problems about their current Type-1 Secure Conferencing systems: they are not ACC compliant; they suffer from poor voice quality; or they frequently do not work, forcing them to rely on another agency’s conferencing bridge.
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Press Releases

REDCOM announces Sigma SVG-1200, a new secure voice gateway platform for ACC-compliant Type 1 conferencing

May 1, 2023

REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. announced the launch of a new secure voice communications platform, the Sigma SVG-1200. The SVG-1200 is designed for government, military, and enterprise customers that require ACC-compliant Type 1 communications between multiple parties.
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REDCOM Sigma® continues to modernize tactical C2 solutions

January 30, 2023

Full adoption of JADC2 may still be years away, but REDCOM is already meeting many of these goals within the tactical environment today. That’s why the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T) selected REDCOM Sigma® as the default C2 communications platform for multiple programs. 
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REDCOM enters into CRADA with U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command C5ISR Center

November 29, 2022

REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. announced that it has entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, C5ISR Center. The goal is to develop and integrate REDCOM’s Sigma® with C5ISR/Electronic Warfare Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS) C5ISR systems and their integration on vehicle platforms, as well as to further develop the CMOSS converged architecture.
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Code Talkers: Transmitting messages in Choctaw

October 5, 2022

The need for secure communication is as old as tactical communication itself. When the US Army entered combat during World War One, the communications gear of the 1918 era was crude by today’s standards but still highly effective within the prevailing combat environment in France. German forces quickly developed ways to listen in on American tactical communications. In response, the Army leveraged a unique element of American culture and diversity to create a highly effective and uniquely American solution for secure tactical communication.  
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C2 comms in one platform: improving interoperability while lowering lifecycle costs

September 22, 2022

Today's C2 communications are more complex and expensive than they need to be. All branches of the U.S. Military — and many coalition partners — are seeking next-gen technology to improve resiliency and mobility while simultaneously reducing costs and training time. REDCOM has always emphasized interoperability, ease of use, and flexibility. We built Sigma from the ground up based on these core tenets and to meet requirements for tactical users.
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Feature-rich C2 communications console for the tactical edge and first responder networks

July 28, 2022

When developing the C2 Console, REDCOM did not adapt commercial software to the tactical environment. Rather, the Sigma C2 Console was built from the ground up with military and public safety users in mind. This means we focused on the areas most critical for the tactical domain: user experience (UX), simplicity, and scalability.
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Extending C2 capabilities with REDCOM Sigma and TSM Waveform Interoperability

June 7, 2022

REDCOM® Sigma® is a unified C2 platform with voice, video, chat, conferencing, and radio interoperability in a single platform. REDCOM Sigma 3.1 introduces integrated support for radio talk groups on a TrellisWare® TSM™ Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET).
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Are your multi-party secure comms ACC compliant?

May 18, 2022

You can communicate securely and be ACC compliant by using General Dynamics Sectéra® vIPer™ phones, however, this is only point-to-point. If you need to conference together multiple parties anywhere in the world using ACC-compliant Type 1 encryption, then you need the REDCOM Secure Voice Gateway (SVG). The REDCOM SVG enables any number of conferees to easily communicate securely whether they are on the red side or black side of the network.
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